This is a very pretty acorn shaped box made out of Manzanita burl (Arctostaphylos pungens) with Black Walnut (Juglans negra) cap. The Manzanitas are the most picturesque trees around here. The reddish, peeling bark trunks twist and turn, give the tree a weathered look with a lot of character. They grow in abundant on the hillsides, but all my attemp to grow them in my garden has not been successful. My failure to domesticate this species heighten my appreciation for them. I like both its character and attitude. Manzanita wood is high on my favorite list. It is very dense with a beautiful dark red color. The burl is even more beautiful with dense but subtle figure. The problem is this wood cracks like crazy, so a nice large piece of Manzanita wood is rare. The burl can be large, but also fills with crack and voids, suitable only for artsy pieces with lots of character. Once in a while, I got my hot hands on a solid burl of this species, and turned it into beautiful acorns like this one. Walnut is one of the few dark woods from the temperate zone. The species is common here as orchard trees. Lucky me! I don't need to go very far to obtain such spectacular timbers . I like this one!
A nice box for your valuables. The screw-on cap ensures that your content is secured, good for jewelry, keepsake... Through the ages, people has given out acorns as a symbol of prosperity and luck. This one is a unique gift.
Dimension (largest diameter x height): 2-1/4" x 3"
-- All wood turned items were hand made and/or hand threaded on a lathe. Hardwood threaded inserts were used for woods that do not accept threading well.
-- The item was sanded to 1200 grid for a mirror finish and sealed with a food-safe varnish, if applicable. For hard, fine grained wood with a natural shine, only wax and oil was applied.
-- Each piece offered is a unique item. The design may be repeated but the dimension and wood combination, and or decorative accent will be different
-- Artist signature and catalog number will be inscribed on the item
-- I ship via USPS First Class mail (or Priority Mail if requested). Combined shipping is the highest shipping cost plus $2 for each additional item. Free shipping for 5 or more items purchased at the same time
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